Policy on Non-Return of E-books and Printed Books:

Due to the unique nature of e-books and printed books, the protection of intellectual property rights, and the preservation of cultural products, we adopt a policy of non-return for e-books and printed books after the purchase has been made. This means that once a book is purchased, the customer does not have the right to request a refund or exchange the book unless there is a printing error or a defect in the material.

We encourage our customers to read the book information, reviews, and verify the availability of the information they need before making a purchase. If you have any inquiries about the books or need more information before purchasing, we are always ready to assist and provide guidance.

Our goal is to ensure the quality of our products and provide the best service to our customers. We appreciate your understanding of this policy. If you encounter any issues related to books you have purchased from us and there is a problem with the quality or printing, we will be happy to assist in resolving it.

Need help?

Contact us at info@Al-Andalousi.Com for questions related to refunds and returns.